The best blueprint software for the jobsite

Try Fieldwire for all of your field management needs - task management, punch, inspections, safety and more!

blueprint app

Pożegnaj się z papierem

Przeglądaj wszystkie swoje rysunki z dowolnego urządzenia (Web, iOS, Android) bez konieczności drukowania nowych kopii papierowych.

construction plan management software

Automatyczna kontrola wersji

Pracuj z najnowszymi rysunkami dzięki wersjom, automatycznym hiperłączom i synchronizacji w czasie rzeczywistym z usługami Box, Dropbox i OneDrive.

blueprint management software

Śledzenie zmian

Zapisuj znaczniki i rysunki powykonawcze za pomocą aplikacji mobilnej. Porównuj ze zdjęciami i filmami.

Ponad 2 000 000 projektów na świecie

Graham UK
Clark Construction
Power Design
Customer Story - Eagle Excavation - Roger Poulin - 130x130px circle

“It’s easy to roll out each set and access them at any point in the day. My team can pull up the plans while they’re on the jobsite without any delay.”

Roger Poulin, Regional Manager at Eagle Excavation

Not your average plan viewer

Fieldwire’s construction management software doubles as a blueprint app, so that crews in the field can view, edit, and share documents in real-time. Our blueprint app makes it easy for everyone to access the latest information and drawings.

A blueprint app for iPhone, iPad, and Android

While an iPad is great for viewing floor plans online, not all foremen can afford to carry around a tablet each day. However, they still need access to up-to-date information. With our free blueprint software, you get your blueprints, progress photos, punch lists, and tasks all in one place — even on your smartphone.

Our blueprint apps work great on both large and small screens. When it comes to finding the best plan viewer, look no further than Fieldwire, the #1 construction app for the field.

Robust sheet version control

With Fieldwire you get unlimited sheets on all paid plans. Our blueprint management system allows you to import and manage large quantities of construction drawings effortlessly. You can upload your blueprints as a multi-page PDF or sync your project directly with a posted set on Box, Dropbox, or OneDrive.

We will extract the drawing numbers, version sheets automatically, and warn you in case of any conflicts. Our construction blueprint app syncs in real-time, ensuring everyone has access to the latest sheets no matter where they are.

Automatic sheet hyperlinking

Our free blueprint software extracts sheet names automatically. It will also find all the navigation callouts in your construction blueprint set and link them to the related drawings and elevation views so that you can get up and running in no time.

Let us take care of the busy work while you focus on the real work. Try our blueprint app for Android or iOS and watch productivity soar. You won’t regret it!

Markups, annotations, & as-builts

You can add markups, annotations, and progress photos directly on your drawings while you're in the field. During construction, everyone from the foreman to the architect has access to the latest information with our floor plan app. At the end of the project, you can export your as built drawings in one click.

Fieldwire’s plan viewer brings clarity, speed, and efficiency to your jobsite. It also provides you with a historical record of all annotations, progress photos, and file links for you to reference at the end of each project.

Supercharge your jobsite with Fieldwire's blueprint app

Access your jobsite plans anywhere