Italian GC Techbau is 10x Faster With Fieldwire

Tara Callinan imageTara Callinan  •  

Italian Techbau

Techbau at-a-glance

  • Employees: 122
  • Projects: 87
  • Sectors served: Residential, tertiary, industrial, and renewable energy
  • Total sqm built: 2,397,455
  • Annual turnover: 350 million euros

It’s not every day you get to work for a global powerhouse like Amazon, that is unless you’re Techbau. Techbau is an Italian-based general contractor responsible for the delivery of several prefab logistics hubs in Italy and, generally, all around Europe.

On any given day, according to Mario Buscaini, Technical Director at Techbau, the company is tasked with improving internal workflows and standardizing processes to benefit clients like Amazon, but up until recently, lacked the construction software required to do his job efficiently and effectively.

Before Fieldwire

He relied primarily on Excel spreadsheets and a construction management app to set up prefab projects, which required hours of manual work in the office. According to Mario, the construction app they were using was best suited for large projects, so when it came time to set up smaller projects he often encountered several challenges.

“In comparison, we can use Fieldwire on projects ranging in value from €2m - €100m.”

Mario Buscani, Technical Director, Techbau

Communication was also a pain. If Mario wanted to share an update or project file, he would need to access Techbau’s internal server, which allowed for peer-to-peer communication only. As a result, there was no transparency into conversations between various stakeholders and departments.

Tired of these processes and the challenges that came with them, Mario worked with various internal teams to identify construction software solutions that could improve transparency and streamline project setup, and that’s when he discovered Fieldwire.

“In parallel with the adoption of Fieldwire, we also invested in tablets for all of our site managers so that they had immediate access to all project documents, and could conduct more efficient site walks.”

Mario Buscani, Technical Director, Techbau

“Now, if I upload a document to Fieldwire, it’s immediately visible to all site managers. Everyone sees the benefits of having a commonplace,” said Mario.

With Fieldwire

Not only does Fieldwire improve transparency and communication, but ensure quality across multiple projects. Prior to Fieldwire, site managers responsible for quality control used Excel spreadsheets to document issues. As you can imagine, this was a tedious and time consuming process, and one that came with it’s own risks — if a client approached Techbau long after a project was complete and asked for proof that an issue was resolved, they would need to sift through tonnes of spreadsheets just to get the answer they needed. Now, with Fieldwire, everything is stored in one place and archived for future reference.

“We’re 10x faster with Fieldwire now that we’re not using Excel for quality control.”

Mario Buscani, Technical Director, Techbau

During QC inspections, site managers can quickly and easily document issues on the fly using Fieldwire Tasks, add checklists to standardize inspections, and attach photos to communicate progress — all from a tablet or smartphone. As a result, Mario says they’re working 10x faster in the field.

The Verdict

Techbau currently uses Fieldwire to manage 15 active prefab projects, and already the feedback from site managers has been positive. Mario said, “we sent out an internal survey and 100% of respondents said they were satisfied with the app. Overall, Fieldwire performs well and is affordable, and it’s user-friendly nature makes employees more willing to use company software.”

“We adopted the platform and onboarded 30 users without any official training in less than 3 months.”

Mario Buscani, Technical Director, Techbau

Want to see how Fieldwire can simplify and streamline your common workflows? Schedule a demo today.

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