Why Fieldwire vs Bluebeam Revu?

Many construction companies use both Fieldwire and Bluebeam on the same construction project. Bluebeam is best suited for estimators or project managers based in the office, while Fieldwire is used by a wider range of people to track work (punchlists, QA/QC, inspections) and annotate drawings in the field.

„Aplikace Fieldwire umožňuje našim pracovníkům provádějícím dozor pracovat na stavbě bez toho, aniž by potřebovali počítač. Je rychlá, snadno se používá a funguje, jak má.“

KK Clark, projektový manažer, Clark Construction

5-stars on every device

Fieldwire works on any device, including your iPhone, iPad, Android device, and web (desktop). Fieldwire is rated 4.9 stars on iOS, compared to just 2.6 stars for Bluebeam Revu (11/2018).

Focused on the needs of the field

Fieldwire connects the field and office. In addition to plan viewing and markups, coordinate all of the work your team does including punch lists, tasks, inspections, and QA/QC, all in one platform.

Easy to use and adopt

When the software just works, adoption follows. Converting to Fieldwire is easy, and new users can get started quickly. Switching your drawings to Fieldwire takes only minutes.

Začněte hned teď

Spolupráce na stavbě a sdílení souborů pro stavební týmy

Více než 2 000 000 projektů po celém světě

Pomáhá největším stavebním společnostem na světě usnadnit řízení stavby.

Po Sluzby
Speller Metcalfe
Centrum Property
Clark Construction